D.R.K. College of Commerce, Kolhapur

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  • Research Workshop on use of MS-Excel in Data Analysis and Interpretation

    M.Com departement in collaboration with Departement of Commerce and Research Committee oraganised a workshop for M.Com IInd year students on 16th November 2022. Prof. Dr. A.S.Banne gave the introductory speech, ragarding the purpose of the workshop, Prof. Dr. N.S.Jadhav from Departement of Statistics was the resource and main spokes person for the workshop. Dr.N.S.Jadhav through practicle examples elaborated the use of MS Excel in data analaysis and interpretation. THe workshop proved to be beneficial to the students pursuing the research project as a part of M.Com semester III syllabus. Total 130 students from M.Com part II attended the lecture. Prof. K.C. Joshi Co-ordinator for M.Com departement gave vote of thanks.