D.R.K. College of Commerce, Kolhapur

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  • Industrial Visit to Karveer Textile

    The B.B.A Department of D.R.K College of Commerce organized one day Industrial Visit for the First-year BBA students, on 21st November 2024.

    This industrial visit provided an insight on how companies work and also useful information related to the practical aspects of the course which cannot be visualized in lectures. Industry visit sensitized students to the practical challenges that organizations face in the business world. And also gave greater clarity about various management concepts for students as they could practically see how these concepts are put into action.

    For The BBA Department of DRK college, Industrial visit is considered as one of the most tactical methods of teaching. The main reason behind this is, it lets students to know things practically through interaction, working methods and employment practices. As students could see first-hand the relevance and the application of the subject learnt in the classroom, in the real world.

    This Industry visit has showcased a variety of careers, even have allowed our students to make an informed decision about the selection of subjects to study at the Degree level or in choosing the sector for their future. The students had the opportunity to meet enthusiastic guides within the organization. During this session, students interacted with the Manager very effectively.

    B.B.A HOD Dr. S.S.Benade Mam and Asst. Prof. S.R. Prabhu were present in the Visit.